Is It Safe for Elderly Women to Try Chin-ups?

If you’re an elderly woman who’d like to learn to do chin-ups, then go for it! Elderly age, in and of itself, does not make it harmful for a woman to train at chin-ups (or pull-ups). “There’s no specific contraindication for an elderly woman without shoulder issues to...

BRAIN BLEED from Concussion Can Mean Subdural Hematoma

Bleeding in the brain, namely a subdural hematoma, can result from getting hit in the head or hitting your head in a fall. “Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can produce hemorrhages (including subdural, epidural and subarachnoid) from the focal trauma to a particular area...

How to Do a Bench Press with Golfer’s Elbow

If golfer’s elbow interferes with your bench press, here’s a way to help get around this problem. If your golfer’s elbow is bad enough, bench pressing will aggravate it. I’m a former certified personal trainer who had golfer’s elbow, and it had started hurting with my...